Chapter 16

Empty your mind of all thoughts Let your heart be at peace Watch the turmoil of beings, But contemplate their return. Contemplate ( think about) their return to what? To peace? Each separate being in the universe Returns to the common source. Returning to the source is serenity. Serenity is clam, peaceful and untroubled. I […]

Chapter 15

In chapter 15 the Master are described They were Careful as someone crossing an iced over stream Alert as a warrior in enemy territory Courteous as a guest Fluid as melting ice Shapable as a block of wood Receptive as a valley Clear as a glass of water. These are good descriptions. Do you have […]

Chapter 14

Look – and it can’t be seen. Listen – and it can’t be heard. Reach – and it can’t be grasp. Even though we can’t see, hear or feel it – we should look for it, listen for it and reach for it. IT – God. The source. The emptiness that form comes from. One […]