Chapter 15

In chapter 15 the Master are described

They were

Careful as someone crossing an iced over stream

Alert as a warrior in enemy territory

Courteous as a guest

Fluid as melting ice

Shapable as a block of wood

Receptive as a valley

Clear as a glass of water.

These are good descriptions.

Do you have the patience to wait

Till your mud settles and the water is clear?

Can you remain unmoving

Till the right action arises by itself?

I need to work on this. I have knee jerk reactions to things sometimes (most times). Waiting ( remain unmoving) is always good advice. The first thoughts or reactions are not usually the best or at the very least are not communicated the best.

The Master doesn’t seek fulfillment.

Not seeking, not expecting,

She is present, and can welcome all things.

Whatever happens – happens.

What ever is to be – will be.

I am trying to get better at this.