Chapter 18 tao Te ching

When the great Tao is forgotten

goodness and piety appear.

When the body’s intelligence declines,

cleverness and knowledge step forth.

When there is no peace in the family,

filial piety begins.

When the county falls into chaos,

patriotism is born.

Why can’t everyone just get along? This is a phrase I have said many many times. Can you image yourself living in a wold where people live in peace and harmony because they want to – not because some law tells them to.

Someone leaves their purse on the table at the restaurant. I don’t take that purse because it doesn’t belong to me. The person who the purse belongs to would be very sad to lose the personal things they are carrying in the purse. I don’t leave it there because it is against the law to take it. I leave it there (or turn it in to the manager) because I want the owner to find it.

Do you not do things because the law tells you not to and you are afraid of the consequence or do you not do things because it is the right thing to do.

Do you not run a red light because it is against the law and you might get a ticket or do you stop at the light because your should be careful of oncoming traffic and be courteous to other divers?

Some may say “How do you know that your neighbor won’t throw his trash on the ground if the condo association says not to liter.?”

Chapter 17 reminds us how we should be governed. The Tao says that a Master trust people and this makes them trustworthy.

When the Tao is forgotten, Goodness and piety appear.

Goodness seems like a good thing….right? But if you are being good because it is the law, or you are afraid of the consequences or you are being good out of some duty, then the motivation is not from the right place. You are not in harmony with the Tao.

Piety = devotion or duty

I want to take care of my mother, help her if she needs it not because of some family duty or piety, but because I love her and it is the right thing to do. Do you know anyone that has gone to some family function, complaining for days leading up to it that they didn’t want to go, they could be doing so many other things, why do we need to spend time with Uncle Joe, but they go out of some family duty. But they go, they bring a casserole, they spend time talking to Aunt Sally, they help clean up afterwards. The whole family thinks she is great for taking time out of her weekend to come to the function. This person went to the function out of piety or duty. Now if the same person had gone because they wanted to see the people they love, then they would be in harmony with the Tao.

Father’s duty to provide for the family

Mother’s duty to nurture the children

Husband and wife’s duties to each other

Children’s duties to honor their parents.

Duties or values are not wrong if they come from your heart and not from some outside contrived system of keeping up appearances or from some guilt.

Change your viewpoint – don’t do things because the law says you should – or you country says you should. So what you do because your heart tells you that is the right way to live.