Life goes On

Jan 14th, 2023 My Advice: Life goes on. “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost. When days are hard and you want to stay in bed remember, life will continue. When days are going great and you are loving life, remember, life will continue. […]

Love Yourself

Jan 11th 2024 My advice: Love yourself “Self love means loving and accepting yourself, your thoughts, emotions, faults, imperfections, flaws, your strength, wit, wisdom, uniqueness. Accepting and loving each and every part of you and knowing that you are worthy, valuable and lovable. My Wish: I wish that you can see what I see. That […]


Jan 9th, 2024 My Advise: Don’t Worry that you don’t have all the answers. “What are you going to be when you grow up” is the most stupidest question there is. How should you know. And you shouldn’t know. Please don’t worry that you don’t have all the answers. Life will reveal itself to you. […]

Inner voice

Jan 8th, 2024 My Advise: Listen to your inner voice. People will always have something to say. “Guidance”, “Opinions”, “Advise” will come from everywhere; from people you know to people you barley know, but even when it comes from someone you love, It MUST resonate with you. Listen to your inner voice. You have done […]