Jan 6th, 2024

You are 21 today. 21 ! Does that mean you are an adult? You are still my little girl. You are still my heart. I am so proud of you, so in awe of you.

I know that you are going out to the bar tonight. Why shouldn’t you. You are 21. I bought you that sash so everyone at the bar will know that today you turn 21 and they will probably buy you shots or drinks. If I am being honest, it makes me a little nervous, but at the same time excited for you. I hope you feel celebrated tonight. I hope you feel special.

I remember the day you were born so clearly. I remember loving you the minute we met. You are so special to me. Please always know that.

I am excited to see how your life unfolds. What can I tell you? I am not sure I have any great advice. I will share what I can.