So the second part of chapter 8 is pretty self explanatory. In thinking keep it simple, be fair and generous in conflicts, don’t try to control, do what you enjoy, be present.
I try to be generous. I try to go above and beyond. It makes the other person feel better.
I try not to have too much vested in the controlling. If you are a control freak and have to have everything under your tight grip, it will just result in bad feelings, either by the other person be controlled or by you because you didn’t get the outcome you wanted.
Be completely present with your family. Stop what you are doing a listen to them. They matter. Make them feel that way. Sometimes I’m so busy managing my own life that I find myself listening to the kids with just one ear.
The only part in the section that is ambiguous is the first line, live close to the ground. What do you think he meant by this. Should I not live in a two-story house or a high-rise apartment complex. Maybe it means I just need to be aware of my impact on the earth and take consideration of the ground/earth and how I live my life.
So I should recycle more. I should be a better vegan. I should take my reusable grocery sacks into the store when I go grocery shopping.