“Seeing is believing”. I have heard that all my life. What we see, hear, taste, feel is not all there is. There is something else. There is an inner part of me. The “inner Vision” as it says in this chapter.
I have this outer shell (outer vision) that participates in the world. I interact with the world through my senses. I see things. I hear things. I taste and feel things. But I can’t let that bombard and cloud my inner vision.
Chapter 10 ” can you cleanse your inner vision until you see nothing but the light?”
The outer world can be a distraction. There is so much going on all the time. So many things to look at, talk about, taste.
Observing the world, participating in life is essential, but there is such a thing of too much of a good thing. Colors are beautiful but too many things to look at can also blind the eye. Sounds are wonderful but too much noise can deafen the ear.
We are part of this world, therefore we must participate it. The key is to participate in it but at the same time trust our inner vision. We must cleanse our inner Vision. How do we do this? I think the key is to let things come and then let things go.
Chapter 9 says ” Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity”
Chapter 7 says ” the master is detached from all things; that is why she is one with them”
The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision. He allows things to come and go.
This is acceptance of the way things are. Don’t try to force change. Don’t be mad when things don’t go my way or how I had hoped they would go. My heart needs to stay open as the sky.
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Update September 2021
Too much to see, too much to hear, too much to taste and feel…..will blind, deafen, numb me. If I am focused on sensory satisfaction I will never be satisfied because there is always more. I need to stop wanting, pursuing, trying to get others to be proud of me and look within.
When I see a beautiful sight, hear a beautiful sound, taste a wonderful delicacy, I need to stop and appreciate the wonder, not search for the next thing. Allow myself to appreciate the miracle within this thing, don’t let the sight blind me, don’t let the sound deafen me, don’t let the taste numb me.