Jan 8th, 2024
My Advise: Listen to your inner voice.
People will always have something to say. “Guidance”, “Opinions”, “Advise” will come from everywhere; from people you know to people you barley know, but even when it comes from someone you love, It MUST resonate with you. Listen to your inner voice.
You have done so much growing up these past few years, have done so much work on yourself, that I feel you can trust your inner voice now. Again, I am so proud of all that growth.
I remember being your age and how peer pressure was in charge of so many lives. I am sure I made some decisions based solely on peer pressure rather than listening to my inner voice.
Have fun. Your young, you are suppose to have fun and be carefree. I wish I was more carefree at your age. Enjoy your freedom, be curious about life, explore, try new things, have excitement for life, but always listen to your inner voice.
My Wish: I am your mom and I wish I was always there to keep you safe, but you are there and I am here. My inner voice tells me to trust you. So my wish is for you to trust you too.