Jan 9th, 2024
My Advise: Don’t Worry that you don’t have all the answers.
“What are you going to be when you grow up” is the most stupidest question there is. How should you know. And you shouldn’t know. Please don’t worry that you don’t have all the answers. Life will reveal itself to you. If you are stressing and fussing about the answers …. you may not hear them. You are young, you don’t need to know what your life will look like when you are 30, you don’t even need to worry what it will look like next month. Trust that all you need to know will be revealed to you when it is time, all you have to do is stay open to all the possibilities, stay curious about life, listen to your inner voice, and life will reveal itself to you.
My Wish: You will be able to spend this year growing, exploring, learning, being curious, discovering yourself and do it all without the worry of knowing the answers.