Jan 13th 2023Jan 13th, 2024
My advice: Let Go
Is there something that you are hanging on to? A remnant from the past. Perhaps it is a behavior, a person, a belief that you are holding on to that is blocking your ability to love yourself and your life. Old chains can tie us to the past, to past pain, to a place we have already been. Now is the time to let go. Allow yourself a few looks back and as many tears as needed. Where you have been is important. It has shaped who you are. But trust that where you are going is going to be wonderful.
My Wish: Growing up is tough. You have had a tough past, but it has made you who you are today. I love who you are today. My wish is that you will always continue to go forward, let go of the bad things that have happened, take the lessons they taught you and continue onward. From my seat, your future looks so wonderful and full of excitement.